Hôtel Eden Paris
- 皇家享受/福地洞天Pure moment de détente au spa.
- 安心港灣Vous serez baignés dès votre arrivée dans un univers naturel et sain.
- 健身達人最愛Du sport, en veux-tu, en voilà !
110 Rue Blomet, Paris, France
110 Rue Blomet, Paris, France
Hotel Eden Paris is exactly like the one you've always dreamt of yet never even imagined that this dream would come true!
That hotel one with the flower-filled garden in the heart of Paris, a haven of tranquillity yet close to the action of the city.
The hotel that has integrated nature into its design to offer an array of different atmospheres of plants, forests and minerals.
The hotel that’s a stone's throw from the Metro on which you can easily explore the whole of Paris, from its business district to the main tourist attractions.
That hotel that no longer makes you choose between a place for business or leisure, but offers you the perfect combination of both…
Now it is your reality: we created it especially for you!
110 Rue Blomet, Paris, France
(852) 5803 1410起 HK$767